Monday, May 22, 2017

IAP's and the decline of video gaming

IAP games are designed in a way that 80% of their revenue comes from the 20% of gamers that are addictive types -- be it gambling or avarice. They may not even be particularly affluent as addiction plays no favorites,  it if they are then all the better -- the rich pay so we all can play. But is that true?

 These games use social shaming as a twisted "keeping up with the Jones's" scheme. Visit your "friends" farm/castle/city/hatchery and see just how destitute they are. You can then send them a gift to help alleviate their Dickensian state. Let's not even start looking at the Pay Per Kill aspect.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

ESO Morrowind - Can you say rehash, hold the hash?

The new Morrowind expansion is a shameless cash grab and an uninspired re-packaging of the same old Skooma.

Honestly, I was playing the beta and already thinking I'd never pay more than $15 USD, when I was handed the exact same "my brother/lover is addicted to Skooma" quest I'd received years ago in Auridon when I snapped.

Brain dead ESO players already addicted to the pointless repetitvie "busy work" that is the game may enjoy Morrowind as a fleeting respite from, well, ESO, but this Skooma head will definitely not buy this expansion.
