Thursday, December 30, 2010

Back for cataclysm

Ok like who didn't come back to at least take their tired 80's to 85.
The new content is pretty neat, and still able to runs on an older processor, though havin an i7 certainly helps.

Hunters seem to have received some love. My dos and general performance in BG's is certainly better: Mokesh is often back on t of the leader board or at the very least top hunter. Still Beas master specter, but actually liking it now.

Noisy is now 85. Only 5 other toons to go

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Legolamb Ding 80

Well I did it in about 12 hours of back to back Eye of the Storm BG's. It was the weekend battleground and it was the fastest 79 - 80 grind ever.

Legolamb hits 78 and gets a new suit

My warlock Legolamb hit 78 yesterday - donned his self-created Frostsavage PvP armor set and proceeded to kick ass till level 79.

I may try for 80 toady as leveling in the battlegrounds is crazy fast.

Legolamb on his Frosty Flying Cqarpet

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Why is the WoW expansion Cataclysm only 5 levels

The official "story" from blizzard.
Why is the level cap increasing by five levels (to 85) instead of 10 as in previous expansions?

We decided to focus on providing more end-game and maximum-level content for players. We learned a lot from Wrath of the Lich King, and want to ensure players have more content to experience right away when they reach the new cap of level 85. We’re also putting a lot of time and effort into reworking the level 1 to level 60 content. We’ve learned a lot designing the previous expansions and felt we could apply those lessons to improve the leveling-up experience. Creating alts has always been a popular pastime for players, and we wanted to ensure Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms remain a vital part of the game world.

Here's my take on it:
They want, in part at least,  to ensure that what happened to Burning Crusade after Wrath was released doesn't happen to WotLK after Cataclysm is released. That being the ability for level 80 players to go in and trash any level 70 end game content without even breaking a sweat. Although it will still be possible to solo some of the Wrath instances at 85, those extra five levels would have made level 80-81 mobs a grey con and the instance a cakewalk.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Battle For The Undercity - yet again

Well Legolamb my Warlock has made it to 75 and the battle for the undercity quest. man, I need a life - or at least an expansion. Well that was a fun 15 minutes of Hellfire spam.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Thank you, Topsykrets Warrior priest

I love it when a plan comes together

I had just capped  Stonemine Tower and wanted a quick trip back to the war camp so I stripped down to my elven britches and jumped of the top of the tower. Fail! I still had 180 hp left; now what?

Next thing I know some pretty red numbers start appearing above my head so I did a quick 180 and behold, there was a Warrior priest beating on my naked buttocks. LOL perfect timing. Thanks again, Topsykrets

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Yss reborn

I decided to roll a Disciple of Khaine ( DoK) and named him Yss after my old SWG character of ages ago. Bioo Borg may remember.

Xarisa the Elder Bounty Hunter

Friday, January 29, 2010

Mokesh Diesalot

Well I seem to be firmly entrenched in the WARhammer struggle to reign Chaos on Order so I figured it was time for another gold expenditure and picked a new last name.

Mokesh Diesalot seemed apropos for this Squig Herder as my playstyle tends to lead to getting very high on peoples agro list.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ding Rank 40 Mokesh Shroomhunta

Dinged off of Gregory the Swift. Thanks Greg ol' pal, shame ya had to die in the process.

Well know to start the grind to RR80. yeah, good luck with that.

Mokesh Da Shroomhunta

Well I should hit Rank 40 on my Squig Herder today. I'm still enjoying aspects of the game, but it truly is WAITHammer. Each and everyday is basically this: Take Keeps and Battlefield Objectives...Wait for Zone Lock...Wait for 3 Zone locks...Rush to Altdorf...Try to make it to phase 2.....Rarely do.....Wait a few more hours.....Do it all over again.

I enjoy the PvP aspects moreso than the RvR. It seems I have encountered a new breed of player though: the RvR Carebear. In the name of capturing objectives for the good of the entire Realm thses nubs avoid any in-your-face  PvP at all costs.

man I miss old Bria pre NGE SWG

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Mokesh - Da Squig Herder Fing

Mokesh the Greenskin Squig Herder. What's not to love.