Saturday, July 18, 2009

Mokesh Exalted with Kirin Tor

While handing in my fishing quest today, Mokesh hit exalted with Kirin Tor

To bad they don't have any gear that I need. Pretty sad really that for a character that never raids, and only has PvP battleground rewards gear, the games factions don't even have gear worth getting. WoW sucks, pretty much.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Moekesh turns 40

My gay-assed Blood Elf Paladin turned 40 today. Not as big a deal as it was back in old school WoW, where I would have only been able to use a mount now, but still a level of note. I bought him a few plate pieces since he know has the Plate Mail skill, and as a bonus I grabbed him Nightblade off the AH for $450 gold. Ouch! CorpseSpam on Drakkari

Well as far as Gold Farmer spam goes, I gotta hand it to the dipshits over at for this creative approach. 30+ female troll corpses all lined up to spell out the URL. I lulzd

Orgrimmar 12:30 AM July 17, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mokesh takes a break

Well, the summer is here and even Mokesh needs a break from World of Warcraft from time to time. I've been playing around with Flash Builder (Gumbo) 4 as well as polishing my PHP kung-fu of late. I've also been working on my 1's & 0's ( ones and zeros ) web comicstrip so not a lot of time left for Mokesh, Makash, Mokish, Bronte and the gang. Mokesh says, "See ya in the fall, humans"