Thursday, June 25, 2009

All Hail King Bronte

Bronte completes the Mid Summer Festival
and is crowned King of the Fire Festival
Hmm, I doubt if Mokesh will be able to steal all the major cities flames, but I may try a few suicide runs and see.

Bronte - Desecration of the Alliance

For The Horde!

Bronte, my Druid pwnstar, got his Desecration of the Alliance achievement just now. One more flame to steal, the Flame of Exodar, and he'll have his next achievement: A Thief's Reward

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mokesh goes Mechano-hog Wild

Mokesh the easy rider

Mokish made Mokesh his Mechano-hog today. Coolbeans!
Mok also recieved the Get to the choppa achievement

Crusader Mokesh

Mokesh the Crusader
Mokesh got his Exalted Argent Champion of the Horde achievement today along with The Argent Crusade achievement. Although he can now sport the title Crusader I think I'll stiuck with the Bloodsail Admiral title - since I did it before 1/29/2009 sometime in summer 2008. I remember I went all the way to full revered, and was trying to figure out how to grind exhalted, before I realized there was no reward for getting past honored. Did that with Wrath of Darkness and Chaotic Lunacy and some Cake or Death folks.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mokesh gets his Chef Hat

Mokesh the Chef

Mokesh has had the Chef title since WotLK 3.1 but he just got the hat today along with the Cooking with Style achievement. Now Bronte and Mokesh can both look the part while cooking up their daily grub

Mid Summer Fire Festival BORKED

Kinda sucking that the Mid Summer Fire Festival is broken at the moment. Mokesh who is the Pet Collector can't do the damn quests. The bug affects any player who did the quests last year. When you log in, there is a notice about them "being aware" of and working on the problem, but unless they extend the Mid Summer Fire Festival by a few days it's still gonna suck.

Fix it ya tards...

Mid Summer Fire Festival Known Issues 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009

Bronte the Crusader

Bronte the Crusader
Well, Bronte got his Crusader title this morning. The achievement earned is Exalted Argent Champion of the Horde which involves earning exalted status with and the right to represent the entire Horde in the Argent Tournament, plus exalted status with the Argent Crusade.

Wintergrasp - Dead as a doornail

Is it just me or did the changes to Wintergrasp in 3.1.2 kill yet another World of Warcraft battleground? Granted Drakkari is a low population server, but except to Tuesdays it's pretty much a ghost town. Personally, I have stopped going on all three of my level 80 toons because I've attained about all ther is to attain from that zone.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Zom's Crackling Bulwark

Just got Zom's Crackling Bulwark off a random mob in Icecrown. Too bad a Deathtard can't use a shield, it kinda matches my icy biker punker thing I got going

Meet Mokish - my Deathtard

Mokish - Death Knight Supreme
Meet Mokish my level 80 Orc Death Knight. He is an Engineer (450) and a Miner (49'er). Pictured here astride his Gnometastic Mechano-Hog

Meet Bronte - my moost excellent druid

Bronte WoW a Druid
Bronte (formally known as Toro on the Skywall server) is my level 80 Tauren Druid. Of course he is an Herbalist and an Alchemist. Pictured here with his Special Olympics (Competitor's) tabard and his Spirit of Competition vanity pet.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sea Turtle Mount - Fishing in Northrend pays off

Got my Sea Turtle mount

Took me 8 pools in Grizzly Hills. Not to bad!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Gondria Tamed!!!

Rare spirit beast proves no match for Mokesh

Surprisingly I got Gondria after only looking on two occasions. Total time spent was about 1 1/2 hours. OK, I'll shut-up now. I got lucky; simple. I found her at 69.4, 47.5 at 8:38 am Drakkari server time. Not sure if it was a spawn spot, more likely just a spot along her path.

Introduction - Mokesh the mighty

Mokesh is a level 80 Hunter in the Game World of Warcraft. MOkesh is presently on Drakkari, taking a short siesta from Skywall (his birthplace server). I originally started playing World of Warcraft as a Tauren Hunter named Brawnte. He was a member of Noobdock Saints for awhile who also used to roll with Timesink on Skywall. I ended up leaving the game until the Burning Crusade expansion came out. I decided to reroll and that's how Mokesh came about.