Bronte completes the Mid Summer Festival
and is crowned King of the Fire Festival
Hmm, I doubt if Mokesh will be able to steal all the major cities flames, but I may try a few suicide runs and see.
and is crowned King of the Fire Festival
Random crap about World of Warcraft and my toons: Mokesh, Bronte, Mokish, Legolamb, Makash, FizzyPants and Moekesh. I may also spout-off about MMO's if run across.
Rare spirit beast proves no match for Mokesh
Surprisingly I got Gondria after only looking on two occasions. Total time spent was about 1 1/2 hours. OK, I'll shut-up now. I got lucky; simple. I found her at 69.4, 47.5 at 8:38 am Drakkari server time. Not sure if it was a spawn spot, more likely just a spot along her path.